1. Active members

2. Student members
3. Associate members
4. Retired members

1. Active Members
a) Any person in the state of Idaho who is skilled and primarily engaged in the verbatim stenographic reporting of proceedings as an official or legislative reporter, freelance reporter, CART captioner, or broadcast captioner shall be eligible to become an active member of this Association.
b) Active members shall vote.

2. Student Members
a) Any student confirmed to be enrolled in a verbatim stenographic reporting program or scoping program shall be eligible to become a student member.
b) Student members shall not vote.

3. Associate Member
a) Any person who is engaged as a verbatim stenographic reporter in another state shall be eligible to become an associate member.
b) A teacher of verbatim stenographic reporting or anyone connected in an official capacity with a school or college conducting a verbatim stenographic reporting course shall be eligible to become an associate member.
c) Any person seeking to become or who has been certified as a Certified Legal Video Specialist (CLVS) through NCRA shall be eligible to become an associate member.
d) Any person engaged in proofreading or scoping activities for verbatim stenographic reporters shall be eligible to become an associate member.
e) Any person employed by or associated with a marketer of stenographic reporting equipment or sales shall be eligible to become an associate member.
e) Any person interested in the preservation, support, and advancement of the field of verbatim stenographic reporting and CART captioning but not in any way actively engaged in verbatim stenographic reporting or CART captioning who is not otherwise eligible for membership shall be eligible to become an associate member.
d) Associate members shall not vote.

4. Retired Members
a) Any member in good standing who is no longer engaged in the active practice of verbatim stenographic reporting or CART captioning shall be eligible to become a retired member.
b) Retired members shall not pay annual dues.
c) Retired members shall not vote.

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